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मेची वहुमुखी क्याम्पसको प्रमुखमा जीवन पोखरेल नियुक्त

भद्रपुर २४,चैत /  झापाको भद्रपुरस्थित मेची वहुमुखी क्याम्पसको प्रमुखमा जीवन पोखरेल आगामि ३ महिनाका लागि नियुक्त हुनुभएको छ। त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालयका उपकुलपति प्राध्यापक डाक्टर केशरजंग बरालले पोखरेललाई आगामी बढीमा तीन महिनाको लागि क्याम्पस प्रमुखमा नियुक्त गर्नुभएको हो। बर्तमान क्याम्पस प्रमुख पोखरेलको कार्यकाल आजदेखि सकिदैन थियो। नयाँ क्याम्पस प्रमुख नियुक्तिका लागि क्याम्पस सञ्चालक समितिले पोख्रेलसहित शारदानन्द झा र झगप्रसाद बरालको नाम सिफारिस गरेकोमा पोखरेललाई नै ३ महिनाको लागि क्याम्पस प्रमुखको जिम्मेवारी दिएको हो। त्रिविमा  एक नम्बरमा सिफारिस गरिएका पोखरेलको म्याद ३ महिनाका लागि उपकुलपतिले थप गर्नु भएको स्रोतले बताएको छ।


BSc CSIT  PROGRAMME OBJECTIVE The main objective of B.Sc.CSIT program is to provide students intensive knowledge and skill on different areas of computer science and information technology including design, theory, programming and application of computer system. It is envisaged that graduate of this program will be equipped with necessary knowledge of computer software and hardware system.

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The objective of the MBS programme is to enable the students to work as competent managers and to meet the demand of higher level managers in organizations, particularly in the functional areas of management. Upon graduation, a student should be able to function as a manager in business, industry, government and non-government sectors, within and outside the country, in areas like accounting, marketing, finance and general management. The MBS programme specifically aims to: Equip the students with required conceptual knowledge of business and management. Prepare managers in the functional areas of management. Develop knowledge and skill of business environment in national and global perspective. Encourage entrepreneurial capabilities in students to make them effective change agents in the Nepalese society. Develop research capability in the students.   Developing managerial practice is a central concern of the Faculty of Management.

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Bachelor of Arts in Social Work is a four year academic program under Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Tribhuvan University. Major aim of this program is to produce generalist social workers to fulfill the need of contemporary Nepal as well as the world. In order to achieve this goal, it offers altogether 8 papers including compulsory field work, research work, academic writing and report writing courses in different semesters.  These courses, apart from core courses of social work, also include various required courses from related disciplines, and some optional courses in the third and fourth year including some specialization courses. In addition, there are few compulsory courses such as Nepali, English, Nepal Studies, and Academic Writing.  Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) program of Tribhuvan University prepares students for entry-level practice in social work. Social Work is one of the helping professions committed to improving people’s lives. Social workers may assist people in dealing with their relationships, in solving personal and family problems, or in improving the environment in their community. Social workers focus on social problems and the individual difficulties that arise from these social problems. These problems may include domestic violence, child abuse, unemployment, poor or no housing, disability, and serious illness. Most social workers work in organizations or agencies whose missions focus on helping people deal with one of more of these social problems in their lives. BSW prepare graduates for service in the social work profession and for advanced study in social work and related disciplines. 

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The objective of the MBS programme is to enable the students to work as competent managers and to meet the demand of higher level managers in organizations, particularly in the functional areas of management. Upon graduation, a student should be able to function as a manager in business, industry, government and non-government sectors, within and outside the country, in areas like accounting, marketing, finance and general management. The MBS programme specifically aims to: Equip the students with required conceptual knowledge of business and management. Prepare managers in the functional areas of management. Develop knowledge and skill of business environment in national and global perspective. Encourage entrepreneurial capabilities in students to make them effective change agents in the Nepalese society. Develop research capability in the students.   Developing managerial practice is a central concern of the Faculty of Management (FOM), Tribhuvan University (TU).  The emphasis upon practice is reflected in various Master level programs of the FOM. FOM program lays special emphasis on developing graduates managerial and entrepreneurial skills over a solid foundation of theories and techniques. Through this two-year (60) credit hour program students develop their knowledge and  management skills on the basis of a good understanding of the economic, social, political milieu both at the national and global levels.

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The Bachelor of Arts (BA) is a three year program of Tribhuvan University. The course was designed with the purpose of giving theoretical and conceptual based knowledge to the students. The Faculty of humanities and Social Science (FOHSS) under the TU is the authentic authority to conduct the administrative business of Bachelor of Arts. The motto of FOHSS is to build up qualified and dedicated human resources in the field of humanities and social science. This faculty is the leading faculty in terms of number of subjects offered and the number of department it has. This faculty consists of more than 30 constituent campus and more than 300 affiliated colleges where millions of students are gaining education and shaping their careers. Wide ranges of course are taught in Bachelors in Arts. Some of the subjects taught in BA are: Major English, Nepali, Mathematics, Sociology, Anthropology, History, Culture, Political Science, Economics, Journalism, International Study, crisis management, social work, etc. Examination of BA takes under the annual system. Unlike, management and science stream, it is a still three year program.

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With a view to developing a network with management institutes in the country and abroad to exchange new knowledge, technology, and methods of achieving higher level efficiency in management of business and public entities, Faculty of Management (FOM) Tribhuvan University, Nepal has launched a four year BBS program in annual system. Its basic motto is to prepare professional managers capable of handling business in a dynamic global environment. Besides that, it aims at producing socially responsible and creative entrepreneurs capable of promoting business and industry for the socioeconomic development of Nepal. This Program also target to produce potential managers to compete in the global market of 21st century.

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Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA) is a long-felt professional academic programme introduced by the faculty of management, Tribhuvan University in the year 2001. Putting aside the traditional and conventional methods of teaching-learning, the programme aims at producing bachelor level graduates of international standards in management  education with applied and pragmatic  philosophies of acquiring knowledge. Above all, the programme is directed to prepare the people to face successfully in the field of ever expanding and challenging knowledge economy. Mechi Multiple Campus feels proud to be the first campus to introduce this Programme in the Mechi Zonal Area.

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Bachelors in Computer Application (BCA) is an Information Technology (IT) based career that awards the undergraduate degree in Computer Applications. This course is similar to BSc CSIT with its graduates pursuing their career in IT Field. In India, BCA is equivalent to B.Tech/B.E. Computer Science. This program provides a sound academic base for an advanced career in computer application.  BCA is a technical course being a combination of IT and Management. Thus the BCA Graduates can serve in National Organizations, NGOs, or any kind of business. Since IT is applicable in almost all sectors, the scopes of BCA has no limits. Students with BCA can pursue any faculties related to Information Technology and Management. Since this degree is internationally recognized, further studies in abroad in this field is also a great option. BCA graduates can pursue MCA, MBA, MSc., MBS and much more.

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history of campus
( Timeline )

September 24, 1964

Mechi Campus was founded and the campus only offered course in Intermediate of Arts.

January 01, 1976
Offered Bachelor in Arts

Start offering course in Bachelor of Arts with pormission from Tribhuvan University.

January 01, 1981
Started course in management (commerce)

The campus also started offering commerce courses at Intermediate level and Bachelor level.

February 12, 2018
Timeline sample

Timeline text imported from databse and it is working fine. These text will be changed later.

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023452615 (Science), 023452135 (Exam),
023452385 (BCA), 023454038 (Library),
023452214 (BBA), 023452044 (Office),
023453154 (Asst campus cheif), 023590032 (BSC CSIT),
023590033 (General adminstration).
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